Chilled water coils keep buildings cool during the summer

Chilled water coils, like the condenser coils I recently wrote about, can also get clogged with dirt, dust or other pollutants. Chilled water systems are a good alternative to standard air conditioners, which can use a lot of energy.In most chilled water systems, the chiller unit is either installed behind the building or on the roof. Most chilled water coils have an entering air temperature of 75°F to 95°F. The systems also use a constant source of water at a temperature of approximately 45°F. The chilled water is piped throughout the building and connected to air handlers, with the water pipes working like evaporator coils in a standard air conditioning unit.Chilled water coils typically run between 3 and 10 rows deeps to handle the extreme difference between the entering air temperature and chilled water temperature. Since the chilled water coil might have to handle a 50° temperature difference, the coil needs a sufficient number of rows to handle the load. The chilled water coil is typically made of copper tubing with aluminum fins, bent into a serpentine shape, to increase the heat transfer area.Chilled water coils are also responsible for dehumidifying the air. Since chilled water coils become clogged relatively frequently, they need to be replaced quickly to keep the entire chilled water system running smoothly. We offer a wide variety of standard and custom chilled water coils to keep your building cool throughout the summer and into the fall months.