Tips for Installing a Steam Coil
Emergent Coils offers standard steam coils and steam distributing coils. Here are some general tips for installing a steam coil:
- Clean the steam coil with a solution designed for coils prior to installation.
- When mounting the steam coil, ensure positive drainage of condensate.
- Make sure space is maintained between the steam coil and filter racks, fans, and other structures.
- Vacuum breakers should be used on each coil. To force condensate through the value seat, steam traps require positive pressure differential.
- Securely connect all valves, pipes and fittings to the steam coil.
- When pressurizing the steam coil, test it for at least 10 minutes to make sure the pressure remains the same and there are no leaks. If the pressure drops, repressurize and test for 10 more minutes. If the pressure drops again, check for leaks in the steam coil, valves and fittings.
- To make future servicing easier, manual valves should be used to isolate the steam coil, trap and control valve.
If you have any questions about steam coils or tips you’d like to add, give us a call at 1-855-Coil-Now.